EN || PT || ES
Carlos Herdeiro (Universidade do Porto)

Black hole collisions in D dimensions and phenomenology for the LHC

String theory suggests scenarios with large extra dimensions in which the fundamental Planck scale could be as low as the TeV scale. It is expected that particle collision with "trans-Planckian" centre of mass energies will produce black holes. This could therefore occur at the Large Hadron Collider (which will reach energies of 14 TeV). Dedicated Monte Carlo event generators have been designed to model the formation and evaporation of such black holes, and are being used to filter experimental data at the LHC. These need as input some observables, such as cross sections and energy lost into gravitational radiation, which must be provided by theory.

In this talk I shall decribe the mathematical framework and the first physical results of a current research programme to obtain such observables. More concretely I shall describe how we study black hole collisions in D dimensions, by solving numerically the full non-linear Einstein equations.





© 3º Encontro Ibérico de Matemática :: 2010