Amílcar Sernadas (IT y Instituto Superior Técnico)
Parallel Composition of Logics
practical significance of the problem of combining logics is widely recognized,
namely in knowledge representation (within artificial intelligence) and in
formal specification and verification of algorithms and protocols (within
software engineering and information security). In these fields, the need for
working with several calculi at the same time is the rule rather than the
exception. The topic is also of interest on purely theoretical grounds. For
instance, one might be tempted to look at predicate temporal logic as resulting
from the combination of first-order logic and propositional temporal logic. However,
the approach will be significant only if general preservation results are
available about the combination mechanism at hand, namely preservation of
completeness. For these reasons, different forms of combining logics have been
studied and several such transference results have been reported in the
literature. To name just a few, fusion (of modal logics), temporalization and
fibring are now well understood, although some interesting open problems
remain, namely concerning transference results. Fibring [1] is the most general
form of combination and its recent graphic-theoretic account makes it
applicable to a wide class of logics, including substructural and non
truth-functional logics. Capitalizing on these latest developments in the
theory of fibring [2] and inspired by parallel composition of processes, a
novel form of combination of logics, subsuming fibring as a special case, is
proposed together with conservativeness results [3,4]. Special attention is
given to the parallel composition of calculi via a generalization of the notion
of 2-category.
D. Gabbay. Fibred semantics and the weaving of logics: part 1. Journal of
Symbolic Logic, 61(4):1057–1120, 1996.
A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas, J. Rasga, and M. Coniglio. On
graph-theoretic fibring of logics. Journal of Logic and Computation,
19:1321--1357, 2009.
A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas and J. Rasga. Parallel composition of
logics - semantics. Submitted for publication.
A. Sernadas, C. Sernadas and J. Rasga. Parallel composition of
logic calculi. Submitted for publication.